⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5 (1000+ Avis)

You've come to the right place for:

Launch a passive and profitable e-commerce with SEO

Resellable business

Build a resale-optimized e-commerce business with high perceived value and proven profitability.

Passive and automatic

Automate your business so that it runs without daily intervention , generating regular income.

Easy and duplicable method

Follow a simple, proven process to create and scale e-commerce sites without technical complexity .

Stable and growing income

Build a business that gains value over time , by securing constant and qualified traffic .

Who am I?

Peii Henry

I am Peii Henry , an entrepreneur specializing in SEO and e-commerce for over 7 years . I have launched and developed numerous SEO & SEA e-commerce sites , all profitable and optimized for a stable and scalable income .

I have also supported more than 1000 entrepreneurs to create, automate and monetize their online business. My expertise covers SEO, SEA, automation and growth hacking , with a single objective: to build solid, passive and resalable businesses .

Today, through my training, my SEO agency and my brokerage activity , I help entrepreneurs scale their business and maximize their valuation on the market. 🚀


With over 1000 students trained in 4 years, I offer a program based on proven strategies. Hundreds of customer reviews and positive feedback.


I manage the SEO of your site from A to Z: on-site SEO, off-site SEO, content creation, and site optimization. For e-commerce, blog, showcase site, or physical store.


Take advantage of a free 15-minute call to analyze your situation, your project, and your time. I will propose a personalized strategy to achieve your goals.